Monday, June 13, 2011

Sitting out a Thunderstorm

Today, I thought I'd spend 15 minutes making a spliced loop (i.e. a circular piece of rope that magically looks like a seamless round object), and then spend 3 hours or so fixing the engine. As it turned out, the loop took 1.5 hours. But luckily, replacing the carburetor took 15 minutes, plus a bit more to get all the adjustments dialed in correctly. The engine is now fixed. It starts pretty reliably. My arms are sore from the thousand or so pulls it took to debug the engine startup path though, and I have a blister in between my fingers where I was holding the T-shaped handle.

Sad windvane
 The only thing left for me to do before I can get going for real is to fix the windvane, but that will not happen today. There is a huge thunderstorm and it's raining cats and dogs. I'm under a lovely awning back at the hotel. It's very picturesque at the moment but the rain is too heavy for me to run back to the room to get my camera. Climbing the mast is out of the question.

Apparently, it can rain in paradise

A better retirement plan than my 401K

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