Launched Guizmo this morning and went for a spin around Pollenca Bay. The boat supposedly reached 7.28 knots, upwind, in 7 knots of wind. I suspect both sensors are in need of calibration. But I was by far the fastest sailboat in the bay, and overtook much larger boats.
Entering port without an engine is way too harrowing -- the boat picks up speed in an instant, and suddenly I find myself playing chicken with a concrete structure. I tried reducing sail but not only is it difficult, but the reefed sail gets in the way of rapid tacks. The other folks in the harbor must be terrified to see someone with all his sails up doing zig-zags to go upwind and u-turns to shed speed. I managed to dock after two aborted attempts but it's pretty clear I need to get the engine to work.
Some pics from the top of the crane used to launch the boat and today's spin around the harbor.
Bit messy, just after launch |
These houses, or rather, their volatile prices, are responsible for the Spanish economic crisis |
Still begging to host a computer science conference |
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