Friday, May 20, 2011

The Boat and its Electrical System

I hooked up the sound system, so we're ready to sail.

Not really. Guizmo has a very complicated set of instruments that need to work right.

The first thing I fixed is the VHF radio. For some reason, the radio insists, positively insists, on knowing its GPS coordinates. It beeps like a maniac if it doesn't, which renders it completely unusable. So I spent some time wiring it up to the GPS chart plotter. The annoying beep circuitry seems to be more content as a result.

More importantly, the auto-pilot needs to be able to track the wind and adjust accordingly. The previous owner has left the top of the mast in a mess, and I noticed a bit late that the windvane is upside down. It only intermittently transmits information. I need to fix this before I can sail.

The rest of the systems look good, though. And I did hook up the sound system, and it's awesome to work on the boat with some music.

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